UKC CH Tangaloor Flying Finish
Morgandell Black Sails X KC’s Who’ll Stop the Rain
Idris coming to join us at Aeracura is the culmination of a lot of waiting and planning, about 4 years worth. I am so grateful to Alison for her friendship and trust in me with this fierce spirit. I am so excited to see what her future holds and all the adventures we will have together. Idris is so full of bubbly, happy energy you just want to laugh and smile watching her.

Born June 21, 2021
20 inchesĀ
CEA/MDR1 Clear
Parental DNA: Completed
CHIC#: 189026
OFA Dentition: SWH-DE219/29F-VPI
OFA Thyroid: Normal- SWH-TH669/20F-PI
OFA Heart/Echo: SWH-ACA275/28F-VPI
OFA Eyes: Normal- SWH-EYE573/20F-VPI